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Two ways of BT CNC toolholder grinding

March 24, 2022
Now in industrial processing, BT CNC tool holder is a very common way. If you want BT NC tool holder to complete the operation efficiently, you need to understand its basic knowledge.

There are two main ways of BT CNC tool handle grinding:

One is an ordinary tool with low requirements for the accuracy of overall dimensions and simple blade shape. The user can manually grind the cutting edge through an ordinary tool grinder. This grinding method is characterized by high requirements for the grinding master and must have a certain understanding of the tool. The tool after grinding can only be used for rough machining.

The other is the precision integral tool with complex shape and high requirements for overall dimension. Users usually entrust the used tool to the tool manufacturer or the local tool professional grinding factory for regrinding. This kind of grinding is characterized by that the tool grinding process is completed according to the original tool design parameters and geometric angle through software program editing and precise positioning of the probe, The performance and service life of the repaired tool can reach more than 90% of that of the new tool.

Users can choose the above two methods for tool grinding and reprocessing according to different use requirements, which can save the use of cemented carbide raw materials and reduce the use cost of tools. Therefore, the grinding and reprocessing of cutting tools not only saves money and environmental protection, but also has high economic and social value.
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