Casa> Blog> Under the same product quality, why is the axial and radial rigidity of HSK shank better than that of BT, SK and cat?

Under the same product quality, why is the axial and radial rigidity of HSK shank better than that of BT, SK and cat?

March 03, 2022
Different from BT, SK and cat tool handles, the core of HSK tool handle is hollow, and its clamping action takes place inside (as shown in the following dynamic diagram). Assuming that the pulling force of the claw is the same, the clamping force generated on the flange of HSK tool handle is twice that of BT, SK and cat tool handles. This additional clamping force will make the radial rigidity of HSK tool handle five times that of other tool handles. This makes the bending resistance of the tool better, so that large cutting depth and high feed can be used in milling and boring.
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