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What are the advantages of spring chuck

July 19, 2021
Spring collet (collet). It is a kind of cylindrical fixture which is used to hold reamer or milling cutter on lathe. It is a kind of fixing device used to fix and reinforce the parts that need to be rebuilt.

Advantages of spring chuck

The spring chuck is especially suitable for turning with small radius;

The clamping time of spring chuck is too short, which can realize fast loading and unloading;

The replacement time of the spring chuck is too short, which can realize the rapid replacement of different specifications of fixture;

Compared with the chuck, the spring chuck has higher clamping accuracy and better concentricity during turning;

For the special-shaped and boring spring collet, it is more cost-effective and more flexible than the chuck; On the milling machine with internal spindle structure, the spring chuck can provide the shortest grinding arm, so it has more processing space and rigidity than the chuck;

The spring chuck is enveloping clamping, which can better protect the cavity surface and provide better cutting torque.

In many kinds of small batch processing occasions, the advantage of spring chuck is that it takes about 15 to 20 minutes to change the fixture. It takes at least 1 minute for the standard jaw chuck to change the jaw. For the spring chuck that can be changed quickly, it only takes 15 to 20 seconds to change the chuck. When the products are changed frequently, the spring chuck can be changed quickly, The accumulated time saved is considerable.

In the case of mass processing, the accumulated time of clamping process can also be saved. The opening and closing time of spring chuck is less than that of jaw chuck. By reducing the non milling time from one cone to the next cavity, the total accumulated time of the whole processing process can be reduced.

In practical application, if the specifications of the cavity are consistent, the processing speed of the spring chuck will be faster. If the cavity size changes greatly, it may be more appropriate to use jaw chuck.
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