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What should we pay special attention to when choosing a good spring collet?

June 30, 2021
If the workpiece limit has to be changed greatly, it may be required to select the jaw chuck to integrate into the production and processing workpiece with a wide operating scale. For hot rolled stainless steel plates, steel castings and die castings, the standard jaw chuck generally works well, because all such parts have original diameter changes.

On the other hand, cold rolling data parts generally have good limit commonality, so it is suitable to choose spring chuck. However, the lack of mutual diameter measurement uncertainty is an obstacle to the selection of spring collets. The overall plan can be presented for the collet with non-circular cross-section to clamp the die bar with the required posture.

According to the load volume of the rolling bearing, if the weight of the chuck and the workpiece is large, the rolling bearing may be overloaded. In view of these risks beyond the limit of the production and processing burden, this kind of damage may decide that we have to choose the workpiece fixture, the weight of the claw chuck is generally larger than that of the same spring chuck, therefore, in the place where the operating weight is required, the spring chuck is the appropriate choice.

Spindle bearing speed spring chuck is generally a good choice when milling at a very high spindle bearing speed. There are two key elements: one is related to the quality of the chuck. It is assumed that with the same spindle bearing high horsepower driver jaw chuck and tension spring chuck, the thicker jaw chuck requires more time to speed up the required speed, Speeding up the long time will expand the operation cycle time and reduce the main production force. Another factor is related to the centripetal force, because it follows the RPM square meter, which is worth adding. Therefore, in the case of high speed drilling, this value is very important. For example, if the spindle bearing speed is doubled, the centripetal force will be quadrupled. This kind of force will pull the chuck claw away from the industrial base, which will generally reduce the clamping force. However, if the spring chuck is selected, the centripetal force is not easy to cause obvious damage. Therefore, the clamping force will be more stable in all production and processing speed operation scales.
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