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Check the clamping force when using the spring collet

November 29, 2019
Production process of spring collet: first of all, add the collet into the pressure cap, run the circlip gently, when the eccentric part of the pressure cap is concave into the groove of the circlip, push the circlip evenly and forcefully along the arrow mark, then the cone can be broken. The ER chuck only needs to transfer the sliding sleeve, which can make the drilling and tapping sleeve exchange at high speed. When drilling, the Morse sleeve can be found by itself; when tapping, the torque reserve can be smooth and smooth to avoid the tap breaking. In addition, when changing the tool outside, use a wrench to loosen the pressing cap to take out the collet and the tool, remove the tool, push the circlip along the arrow mark, and then exit it, and then replace the circlip with various apertures as required. The adjustability of the spring chuck is usually selected by using the path of bolt fastening and pin position. When adjusting and placing the clamp, the length of a part can be relaxed.

Spring chuck has a large clamping force, a wide range of clamps and a high precision, so it has been widely used in a major, such as the application in machine tool major. Compared with ER chuck, it has different styles, while the non example chuck has been used in different aspects. It has a high precision, can be high-speed components in a certain direction, for the smooth production of the manual plays an important role, but also increases the production efficiency of the manual. The spring collet should pay attention to the external repair of the props, which directly affects the external quality of the instruction manual. The key is to prevent corrosion. Therefore, it is very important to select a suitable, high-quality and effective lubricating oil. Spring collet is an irreplaceable tool commonly used in machine tools. It is used in a large number of fields. It is fast but easy to be damaged, because the consumption is far-reaching. According to different materials, the way of heat treatment is different, and the hardness requirements of different parts of the spring chuck are different.
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