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How to improve the surface finish of the toolholder?

November 28, 2019

Product Description: the name of a process before coating after finishing grinding of tools is not uniform at home and abroad at present, including "edge passivation", "edge strengthening", "edge honing", "edge preparation" or "Er (edge radiussing) treatment". By deburring, flattening and polishing the tool, the tool quality and service life can be improved.

I. purpose of tool passivation and polishing:
1. Improve the service life of the tool.
2. Improve the machining efficiency of machine tools.
3. Reduce the surface roughness of the workpiece.

II. Main effects of tool passivation:
1. Rounding of cutting edge: deburring of cutting edge to achieve accurate and consistent rounding.
2. The burr of the cutting edge causes the tool to wear and the surface of the workpiece to become rough.
3. After passivation treatment, the edge becomes very smooth, which greatly reduces the chipping and improves the surface finish of the workpiece.

III. polishing of the cutting groove:
1. Polishing the tool groove evenly to improve the surface quality and beating performance.
2. The smoother the groove surface is, the better the chip removal is, and the higher the cutting speed can be achieved. At the same time, the higher the surface quality is, the less the risk of the cutter and the processing material seizing, and the 40% cutting force can be reduced, and the cutting is more smooth.

IV. passivation and polishing methods of cutting tools:
1. brush.
2. sandblasting.
3. Drag and drop polishing machine.
Among them, brush and drag are the most widely used
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