March 06, 2023
The live center, which can be used for drilling, threading and reaming of workpieces, is a machine tool component in machining, and has two types: fixed center and movable center.
The lathe center is used for centering and bearing the gravity and cutting force of the workpiece. The lathe center can be directly installed in the taper hole of the lathe spindle, and the front tip rotates with the workpiece without relative movement, so quenching is not necessary.
The moving center is equipped with rolling bearing inside, and the center rotates with the workpiece, which can work normally at high speed. However, the rigidity of the live center is poor, and sometimes it will cause jumping and reduce the precision of the acceleration. Therefore, the live center only uses parts with low precision requirements.
The fixed center can support parts with complex end faces and parts that are not allowed to have central holes. The center is mainly composed of a thimble, a clamping device, a shell, a fixed pin, a bearing and a mandrel. One end of the center can top the center hole or the inner hole of the pipe material, and the other end can top the spherical or conical parts. The center is fixed by a clamping device. When it is not allowed or impossible to drill the center hole of the part, the clamping device can be used to clamp the turning directly. The shell and the mandrel are drilled with pin holes, and the fixed pin is used to pin in or remove to realize the dead and live functions of the center.