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Spring collet with coolant is very good

April 26, 2020
The spring collet needs all the components of the structure of the fixture in order to be good in the process of the fixture. It should be able to accept all kinds of standard parts and wide-ranging parts. The proportion of creating common parts should be small, reducing the amount of labor and reducing the cost. The structural shape of various general components and parts of the spring chuck shall be easy to create and calculate, easy to install and compound.

The adjustability of the spring collet structure often accepts the form of bolt fastening and pin position. When adjusting and installing the clamp, it is easy to grind the size of a certain accessory. In addition, adjusting washers, adjusting washers or adjusting sleeves can be arranged between accessories and parts to control the installation size, compensate the error of other accessories and improve the precision of fixture. Once the installation standard is processed, the location and size shall not be changed. Therefore, those surfaces or lines whose own locations and dimensions have to be adjusted or repaired in the installation process cannot be regarded as the installation standards.
In practice, the spring collet should always be loosened and renewed. For example, when it is used in the turning center, a layer of smoothing agent can be sprayed on the outside of the inner hole of the spring collet when it is loosened. If it is possible to use the coolant smoothing agent, it is very good, so it can not only wash the debris on the spring collet, but also provide a good smoothing effect. The long-term wear can be reduced and the clamping force can be increased by changing the smooth grease at the locking angle of the spring collet. Other materials with excellent smoothing effect can also be used, including excellent lubricating oil or wax based materials with EP (extreme pressure) performance.
Spring collet
Reasonable selection of the clamping diameter and length level of the spring collet can ensure that the spring collet has a large clamping force and the end of the clamping condition, and then ensure that the machining is excellent and high precision. It is assumed that the length of the inner hole diameter of the spring chuck is too large. When the chuck is closed, it is only clamped by the hole diameter of the spring chuck.
It is very likely that the geometrical shape of the outer circle and the inner hole of the spring collet does not match each other when the spring collet is generated, so the clamping force is reduced. Assuming that the length of the inner hole diameter of the spring chuck is too small, when the chuck is closed, only the inner part of the inner hole of the chuck touches the inner part of the chuck, the clamping force increases, but the situation that the chuck is not coaxial with the inner part of the chuck will be generated. A level spring chuck can only locate the corresponding diameter and length for the purpose of leveling.
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