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Five processes to be followed in selecting CNC tool holder

December 16, 2019
With the continuous development of mechanical processing industry, new processes, new technologies and new materials are emerging. The numerical control tool itself has also made great progress. High performance tool materials and more advanced tool structures are emerging. CNC tool holder manufacturers upgrade and update their products according to the needs of tool users.

We generally follow the following procedures when selecting CNC tool shank:

(1) part shape (considering machining contour): Generally speaking, machining contour can be plane, deep contour, cavity groove, thread, etc. Different cutting tools are used for different machining profiles. For example, a fillet cutter can mill a convex face, but not a concave face.

  Lathe tool holder

(2) raw materials: considering its drilling process performance, cutting forming, strength and aluminum alloy with the original level. CNC blade manufacturers usually divide raw materials into steel, stainless steel plate, pig iron, rare metal, superalloy, titanium metal and hard plastic raw materials.

(3) production and processing standards: the production and processing standards include the turning status of the collet clamp for the reliability of the steel part system software of the machine tool fixture.

(4) stability of machine tool fixture workpiece system: it needs to know the available power of machine tool, type and specification of spindle, service life of machine tool, etc. And combining the length protrusion of the shank and its axial / radial circle protrusion.

(5) production and processing types and sub types: This includes square shoulder cutting, plan cutting, profiling cutting, etc. which must be combined with the characteristics of CNC blade to carry out tool selection.
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