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Working principle of spring collet holder

November 22, 2019
The spring collet holder is a kind of cylinder-shaped clamp used to imprison the drill or the milling cutter.
The collet is installed in the lock nut, and then the lock nut with spring collet is lightly screwed on the tool handle, extension bar or main shaft. It is easy to loosen and fasten by elastic spring steel. It is mainly used to hold light and medium load cutting tools. It is often used to clamp end mills, drills, taps, reamers, center drills and other cutting tools. Change the clamping range by changing different collets.
During clamping, the threaded part, locating surface and cone surface of spring collet and lock nut shall be cleaned. During the installation of the collet and the lock nut, the collet and the lock nut must be inclined at a certain angle, and then put into the lock groove of the lock nut. It is not allowed to tighten the spanner too tightly to prevent the tool and clamp from being damaged by falling.
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