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The function of CNC tool holder in CNC machining

November 19, 2019
In the high-end manufacturing and processing technology, it is inseparable from the advanced CNC machine tools. In addition to the system, the high-end CNC machine tools, high-precision and stable chucks, tool handles, and CNC tool accessories are also very important in the processing of CNC machine tools. It can be said that a good CNC tool is the teeth of a CNC machine tool. A good CNC tool needs to be equipped with a good chuck, tool handle, and CNC tool to give full play to the superior performance of a high-end CNC machine tool. It can be said that only every machine tool part with high quality can help China's high-end manufacturing and realize the dream of making China a powerful country.
CNC machine tool is a kind of automatic machine tool equipped with program control system, which can make the machine tool move and process parts according to the programmed program. It integrates machinery, automation, computer, measurement, microelectronics and other new technologies. It is suitable for the occasion of frequent replacement of processed parts, the production of single and small batch products and the development of new products, so as to shorten the production preparation cycle and save a lot of cost of process equipment. In the high-end machine tool accessories industry, many domestic enterprises can also manufacture high-precision and stable chucks, tool handles and CNC tool accessories through technical upgrading. Industry 4.0 is based on the combination of network entity system and Internet of things big data. The use of IOT information system will supply, manufacture and sell information in the production of data, intelligence, and finally achieve fast, efficient, personalized product supply. Many domestic enterprises have optimized industrial structure, improved product quality and added value, greatly improved production efficiency and reduced production cost through technological upgrading. In the future, the combination of CNC machine tool + automation + robot through Internet of things technology will make the industrial manufacturing technology reach an unprecedented height.
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