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What are the advantages and disadvantages of heat shrinkable tool holder

August 27, 2019
The thermal shrinkage tool holder is heated by the induction technology of the thermal shrinkage machine based on the technical principle of thermal expansion and cold shrinkage. Thermal shrinkage tool holder is also called sintering tool holder, thermal expansion tool holder, etc. It can realize omni-directional ultra-high precision machining. The complete clamping accuracy and rigidity of tool 360 are greatly improved.

Advantages of heat shrinkable tool holder:
1. Fast loading and unloading of cutting tools, using heat shrinkage machine heating, 13KW high power can complete tool installation and clamping in 5 seconds, cooling only takes 30 seconds, unique water cooling device can prevent tool handle accuracy deterioration.
2. High accuracy and low jump. There are no nuts and clamps needed for the clamp head in the tool installation part. It is simple and effective. The cold-shrinkage clamp is strong and stable. The tool deviation is less than 3 mu, which reduces tool wear and ensures high precision in high-speed machining.
3. The handle head is small and widely used. Ultra-thin front end parts and abundant shank shape changes can be widely used in high-speed and high-precision processing, deep hole processing.
4. Simple and efficient, long life. Hot loading and unloading operation, even if the same tool handle is hot loading and unloading more than 2000 times, the accuracy will not change, the stability is stable and reliable, and the service life is long.

Defects of heat shrinkable tool holder:
1. We need to buy heat shrinkage machines, thousands to tens of thousands of them.
2. Use thousands of times, when the oxide layer is stripped backward, the accuracy is not so high.
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