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Share the basic knowledge of tool holder Just get started and get to know it.

February 26, 2019

Here are some basic knowledge about the tool holder:


1. The function of the tool holder

Machining center spindle + tool handle + tool, the function of tool handle: when connecting with the spindle of machining center, the connection accuracy and rigidity should be ensured; when connecting with the tool, the clamping force and accuracy should be ensured; and the tool handle itself should ensure rigidity, balance and accuracy. The taper fit is usually used between the spindle and the tool holder of the machining center. The taper fit is characterized by good centering, easy adjustment of clearance or interference, etc.

2. Taper classification of tool shank

(1) The universal tool holder with taper of 7:24 usually has five standards and specifications, namely NT (DIN 2080/ISO 2583), DIN 69871 (German standard), IS0 7388/1 (international standard), MAS BT (Japanese standard) and ANSI/ASME (American standard).

1) DIN 2080 (NT or ST for short)

DIN 2080 is a German standard, i.e. international standard ISO 2583, which is what we usually call NT tool holder. It is tightened by pull rod on traditional machine tools. It is also called ST in China. It can't be loaded by hand instead of by machine tool's manipulator.

2) DIN 69871 (JT, DIN, DAT or DV for short)

DIN 69871 can be divided into two types: DIN 69871 A/AD and DIN 69871 B.

The former is central internal cooling, the latter is flange internal cooling, other sizes are the same.

3) ISO 7388/1 (IV or IT for short)

The installation size of the tool handle is not different from that of DIN 69871, but it is due to ISO 7388/1.

The D4 value of the handle is less than that of the DIN 69871 handle, so ISO 7388/1 handle is used.

Installation of DIN 69871 taper hole machine tool is no problem, but will DIN 69871 knife

If the handle is installed on ISO 7388/1 machine tool, interference may occur.

4) MAS BT (abbreviated as BT)

BT type is Japanese standard, installation size and DIN 69871, IS0 7388/1 and ANSI finish

It's totally different. It can't be replaced. The symmetrical structure of BT type tool holder makes it better than other three kinds of tool holders in high speed stability.

5) ANSI B5.50 (abbreviated as CAT)

ANSI B5.50 is an American standard. Its installation size is similar to DIN 69871 and IS0 7388/1. However, due to the lack of a wedge gap, ANSI B5.50 tool holder can not be installed on DIN 69871 and IS0 7388/1 machine tools, but DIN 69871 and IS0 7388/1 tool holders can be installed on ANSI B5.50 machine tools.

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